welcome to a website i guess
at the moment there isn't much on the site, but there is a chatbox. so feel free to say hi :)
hi! I've been dabbling with a couple things recently. Working on getting some shrines set up and the media page updated. Life has been kind of crazy recently. Well not crazy, but busy. I have a degree now! B) That's pretty cool. I have a lot of ideas for this site. It's a bit difficult since I'm learning as I go and sometimes its pretty frustrating. But I'm having a good time and hopefully I'll be able to work on it more now that everything has settled down a bit.
- added infodump page (still under construction but the link works now)
woop woop i'm really enjoying making this its so fun
- added media page
hello! i have never made a website before or even coded anything in my life so this was a little intense to start out. it's looking pretty ugly right now. that should get fixed at some point - who knows when - and i'll be adding actual links to the nav bar to pages for like supernatural or something. to be honest i started making this site with absolutely no clue what i would put on it. i'm still not sure so any suggestions would b appreciated. i guess i just missed like old fan pages and stuff. also my friends have neocities and i'm a sheep... okay, i should probably actually study now instead of spending hours working on something that is not related to anything i need to be doing right now.
- added chatbox
- added resources page
- added so many gifs
- went a little insane and made a sam winchester dress up game. i still need to add proper link for it
to-do list:
- add infodump page
- create art gallery
- update sam dress up
- add more to media
- create button hoard
- about section revamp?
hehehe i may have gone overboard on the gifs